Baby BWO - Tungsten


This pattern is TINY. A great BWO imitation and general attractor. Sinks well, but also moves well in the current! This fly produces best in clearer water. This fly works best all year around, but provides the most realistic imitation during the coldest months of the year when blue winged olives are most prevalent.

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This pattern is TINY. A great BWO imitation and general attractor. Sinks well, but also moves well in the current! This fly produces best in clearer water. This fly works best all year around, but provides the most realistic imitation during the coldest months of the year when blue winged olives are most prevalent.

This pattern is TINY. A great BWO imitation and general attractor. Sinks well, but also moves well in the current! This fly produces best in clearer water. This fly works best all year around, but provides the most realistic imitation during the coldest months of the year when blue winged olives are most prevalent.

Redd's Prince - Tungsten
Tungsten Woolly Bugger
Peacock Leech
Mini Peanut Envy
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